Sunday, November 14, 2010

Desk Jockey Al on the MTV Scoring System

For clarity's sake, I'd like to take a moment to express how I view our rating system. We rate desks in three dimensions on a scale of 1 to 10. But what exactly makes a desk a 1 or a 10? The best way to explain it is by example.

Machismo score 1 - Machismo is all about power and exerting your will on things behind the desk and in front of it. Machismo score 1 makes you less powerful for even being in the same building as this desk. This desk is the office albatross, condemning whoever lives behind it to an eternity of wimpy powerlessness.

Machismo score 10 - If you have seen farther, it is because you stand on the shoulders of giants. Well, this desk is what the giant is standing behind.

Timelessness score 1 - Certain fads fade over time: pogs, bell-bottom jeans, Smell-O-Vision. This desk faded before it even hit the point where it should be popular. This desk is so passe it actually makes you nostalgic for the pet rock days. If you buy it, you're almost certainly a hipster.

Timelessness score 10 - If you were to put this desk in front of a 19th century oil baron, he'd nod in appreciation for its classic beauty. This is the kind of desk you leave for your grandchildren to use. This is the kind of desk that Presidents sit behind.

Verve score 1 - There's a fine line between pragmatic and boring. This is a desk that makes a pile of cinder blocks and plywood look interesting.

Verve score 10 - Every line is a symphony. Every bit of it is a work of art. Not only is it designed properly, but it's designed to look good. A man sitting behind it becomes Humphrey Bogart, a woman becomes Audrey Hepburn.

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