Sunday, November 14, 2010

Desk Jockey Daniel on the MTV Scoring System

For additional clarity's sake, I'd also like to take a moment to express how I view our rating system. We rate desks in three dimensions on a scale of 1 to 10. But what exactly makes a desk a 1 or a 10? The best way to explain it is by example.

Machismo score 1 - This desk could probably be purchased at the Hello Kitty Store. Ask them if you can have it in Chococat.

Machismo score 10 - Chuck Norris uses this desk to see how much money the IRS owes him in taxes every year.

Timelessness score 1 - This desk stopped looking good approximately halfway through its assembly. Dismayed, you threw away the instructions and desperately tried to rearrange the rest of the pieces.

Timelessness score 10 - You will put this desk in your burial chamber so you can continue using it in the next life.

Verve score 1 - You put this desk in a cardboard box and gave it to the Goodwill Store. They kept the box, and threw away the desk.

Verve score 10 - This desk is sitting in a safe house somewhere, next to a box of armor-piercing bullets and several stolen Picassos.

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